Christina Springer
3 min readAug 6, 2024

Anyone else bothered by this Democratic rebranding of weird? Just me? So, we’re okay with the uncooling of “weird”uncool?

No matter what soul you pour into the jello mold of normalcy, it still comes out wobbly. Because that's life. There is no normal. @thecmspringer

Who have the weird people been throughout history? We've been the queers, the geeks, the freakniks, the hippies, the punks, the disabled, the counter culture, the artists, the people of color - all of the people shunted to the margins of society by "the normal people."

& now, when getting elected depends upon the intersectional solidarity weirdos have spent decades building, all of a sudden "weird" is uncool again. Suddenly, it’s the narrow minded, racist bigots who are "weird." As if normalcy has been the goal this entire time.

Yes, the uncooling of weird has made an impact on the perception many Americans have about far right candidates. But, is it the right kind? Weird is bad? Is that ever a good message?

It’s akin to how I felt about marriage equality. Oh, yay! Equal protection under the law to uphold property rights for all people regardless of gender. But, wait! What about all the people who don’t envision a monogamous happy-ever-after picket fence life?

What about "the weirdos?" What about the third member of a polycule, who needs two or more spouse slots on their health insurance? What about their rights to make medical decisions regarding the health of their shared beloved? Marriage equality made queer people "normal." And the queer people who didn’t want to be normalized continue to battle the same oppressive systems.

But, more importantly, it's a lie. The White (and White-aligned,) MAGA-loving, gun-toting, misogynistic rabid gay hating Christian militant is what has always been a "normal" American. They aren't weird. They are exactly who this country has told them they can be - in the media, in the laws, in the workplace, in their places of worship. It has been affirmed that they are normal, since before this country was even formed.

It has the weirdos who chaffed against normalcy in the effort to make a more inclusive world. Weirdos made progress towards whatever tolerance has been granted. Weirdos experienced backlash, regrouped and made even more progress. It’s been going on like this for over a century now.

In this modern time, as we faced the imminent likelihood of living under a fascist regime in this lifetime, with an ongoing genocide, it finally, felt like someone ran the freak flag up the pole & right as we were about to say some kind of pledge of allegiance, they dropped it down again. Folded it up. Put it back in its box and began waving the normal flag again.

What the historical weirdos have been fighting for is deliciousness of diversity and the effevescenace of complexity. We eschewed the jello mold of of normalcy. Why? Because no matter what soul you pour into the jello mold of normalcy, it still comes out wobbly. Because that’s life. There is no normal. And we need to accept that fact.

We don’t want fascists running the government, and, we don’t want to be normal either. We just want to be our best possible selves, whatever that means to us. No judgement.

So, let’s maintain hope that we don’t slide into fascism. Let’s take action to not let that happen. Let’s look forward to using that status quo in order to create a more perfect union where our pledge is something like:

I pledge allegiance to the union
where you do you
& im okay with that,
& I still fux witchu
if you aren't doing damage.
Like respect, huemyn.
S'all cool.
We gonna vibe on this Earth
& try to treat her right too.
Water is life & we'll find a way
to do better about Land Back.
Indivisible with liberty & justice for all
because we plan on actually enforcing that community expectation now.

Christina Springer

Christina Springer is an Alt . Black artist who does many things. Please support her work!